On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Pete Dubler wrote:

> How to corrupt your root.lrp file....
> I encountered a problem with leaf (running Dachstein on hard drive).
> When I went to back-up root using lrcfg, the size of the file to be
> backed up was much smaller than the one I had booted from.  (about 1.1M
> versus 1.6M).  The reason for this is that my ram disk size, although
> large enough to accomodate my running system, was not large enough to
> hold everything, plus an extra temporary copy of root.lrp.  The cure was
> to bump the ram disk size up from 8096 to 10240 in syslinux.cfg.
> (backing up the system created an unbootable system.  fortunately, I
> keep a duplicate hard drive backup.  but it made for an unpleasant
> evening...)
> Wishing you good routing,
> Pete Dubler

Oops :-) I've done that. This is why there is an option to not create a
temporary copy of the .lrp. This is a little risky on floppy since
you're writing your .lrp straight to disk, but less so with a hard drive
where media corruption is less likely.

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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