> I have the opportunity to setup a firewall for a local
> non-profit organization.  They want Internet access for
> their office.  Both Cable and DSL are available in their
> area.  Prices and speed seem comparable.  I have been
> using Eiger and Dach 'steins for years with a cable
> connection.  I have not used DLS or PPPoE.  Are there
> any advantages/disadvantages with either option?  Thanks
> for your opinions!  I am mostly concerned with ease of
> administration.
> Sean

I recently helped a friend setup a DachsteinCD on PPPoE.  I don't like
the PPPoE protocol, but it was easy to setup and he runs services
through it.  We established a free dns name and used ez-ipupd.lrp.
That way he could access his network from the outside by name even
when the ip changes.  PPPoE makes the router processor work a lot
harder since it has to repackage the packets to ethernet so it is
advisable to run a pentium on the router.  Some PPPoE providers use
this protocol to do things that are not in the interests of the user.
Actually the principle reason why a provider chooses PPPoE is to limit
control you rather than give you unlimited access.

Cable on the other hand is probably faster.  Things to remember on a
cable is that every 13 year old on the cable loop with a sniffer may
be reading your unencrypted mail.  Cable systems sometimes block port
80 etc so you need to talk to users of the system.

Choosing an internet provider is not unlike choosing a wife.  You may
get stuck with an unwise choice (if you sign with them for a year)
that treats you like merchandise.  I would recommend taking the time
to find knowledgeable people who use both services.  A good isp, like
a good wife, is worth taking the time to find the right one.

Victor McAllister

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