Lonnie, Boyd:

        Ah, serendipity. :) One email, two answers...

        To get a PPTP-based VPN client working from behind a
LEAF/LRP disk, you need to do four things (none of which is
to search the email archives, though that works too ;):

1. Be sure to be using a "VPN enabled kernel". Dachstein has
   this by default. Earlier stuff, including 2.9.8, doesn't.
   See Charles' page for the kernels. If you install a new
   one, *always* install with it the associated modules.

2. Load the PPTP masq module: uncomment its line in /etc/modules,
   backup, reboot.

3. Goof the firewall rules to allow protocol 47 and port 1723

4. Use the "ipfwd" utility (ships by default) to forward the
   GRE (protocol 47) packets across the firewall.

        As you'd expect, steps 3 & 4 are done for you automagically
using the echoWall package.
        Hope this helps!


On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:

> Hello,
> Could you please tell me how to prot forward this protocal 47 on my
> Eigerstein LRP box?
> I know how to forward regular ports coming in to a server behind the
> firewall, but I do not know about htis protocal 47 (gre)
> Thanks,
> Lonnie

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