> I just want to ftp from my office to my web server through IPSEC.
> My_W2K--------LRP-----I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T-------LRP-----WebServer
> My machine and Webserver keep preshared-key.  How can I config
> LRP to enable my machine to talk in IPSEC with webserver.  (I don't
> want tunneling mode just encryption data.)
> I already try for
> EXTERN="0/0 500 0/0"
> DMZ_OPEN_DEST="udp_${webserver}_500"

You need to allow UDP port 500, and protocol 50 traffic through your
firewall.  In addition, you will need to load the ip_masq_ipsec.o module if
your firewalls are masquerading rather than simply routing.  To poke the
holes in the firewall rules, use the following:


EXTERN_PROTO0="50 0/0"

You can replace the 0/0 (the whole internet) with the IP address of the
remote end, if it's static.

You may also have to port-forward inbound traffic on one (or both) ends of
the link, depending on how you plan to operate your connection.  See the VPN
Masquerade HOWTO for details.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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