On Tuesday 05 March 2002 11:02, kevin mudrick wrote:
> Charles,
> Thanks for the followup (and, of course for doing such a great job
> with your leaf distros).
> I think I'm confusing myself, actually.  Basically, I have 3
> computers on my home network that I'd like to be able to access
> remotely, through my dsl modem, connected to the router box.  I like
> the advantage of having a box firewall off all ports I don't want the
> public accessing, but I don't really need IP Masq, I guess, because
> my ISP is giving me a routed subnet - so I guess I can assign those
> addresses to my 3 computers behind the leaf box.

> Does this clarify things a bit?  Am I totally off, or going in the
> right direction?


Is this more of what you are thinking???


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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