<snip of various authors>
> I'm not that familiar with the MS networking stack, and how
> windows systems handle routing, forwarding, etc.

With the Win9x/ME family, the stack is all proxy...ISC or some other

> As mentioned elsewhere, apparently the AOL traffic is creating a
> tunnel through your firewall for it's traffic, which fundamentally
> represents a 'back door' to your internal net.  Anyone seen a recent
> security review of the AOL client source code, to know if this is
> "safe" or not?

I wouldn't bet on it being too safe, but I think it is all tied into
AOL's internal servers, being advertisements, popups, and the 
like. AOL doesn't let source code out the door, period. 

RH is working on some type of client with AOL, so your best bet
on finding something out from someone who _may_ have seen 
some client socket source would be there.  


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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