> Has anyone managed to make a 1.68M Bering floppy image with SSH and
> TinyDNS? This was possible under Eigerstein.
It will be very hard.
sshd.lrp is about 312K
You can try to remove those modules and packages you do not need.
tc ppp pppoe keyboard bridge dhcpd pump are potential candidates
+ remove whatever is unecessary in /lib/modules

2nd solution (if you only have a single floppy drive)

Make 2 copies of the same Bering floppy

On the first one just keep the following 4 files:
syslinux.cfg and dpy, linux, initrd.lrp
edit the syslinux and add diskwait=yes after PKGPATH=/dev/fd0u1680

On the second one (same format !) just keep whatever other packages you need.
You will just keep the *.lrp files here
You have 800K left from the previous operation !
You will keep this second disquette in the floppy drive if you need to backup.
You generally never need to backup initrd.lrp

hope that can help


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