Hello Stephen

You wrote
> > > Has anyone managed to make a 1.68M Bering floppy image with SSH and
> > > TinyDNS? This was possible under Eigerstein.
> > It will be very hard.
> > sshd.lrp is about 312K
> > You can try to remove those modules and packages you do not need.
> > http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/leaffw01.html#AEN197
> > tc ppp pppoe keyboard bridge dhcpd pump are potential candidates
> > + remove whatever is unecessary in /lib/modules
> > 
> > 2nd solution (if you only have a single floppy drive)
> > 
> > Make 2 copies of the same Bering floppy
> > 
> > On the first one just keep the following 4 files:
> > syslinux.cfg and dpy, linux, initrd.lrp
> > edit the syslinux and add diskwait=yes after PKGPATH=/dev/fd0u1680
> > 
> > On the second one (same format !) just keep whatever other packages you need.
> > You will just keep the *.lrp files here
> > You have 800K left from the previous operation !
> > You will keep this second disquette in the floppy drive if you need to backup.
> > You generally never need to backup initrd.lrp
> >
> Thanks. Unfortunately most of my routers are only accessible via remote
> connection so 2 floppy booting is out of the question. Alternatively,
 a rather cheap alternative solution is the use of a second floppy 
drive. I use this setup with remote access for a bering

> how safe would it be to run a telnet daemon on Bering but only listen on
> the internal net where a linux box (running ssh) can access it? 
(a windows box can too ,) using f.e teraterm ssh
Be carefull this is going to originate a rather religous thread, some 
on this list like telnet some don't  ; )

I would say it depends on how safe  your internal network is
If there are more people on your network and you don't trust them 
completely, it is kind of a risk, as passwords are rather easy to 
catch. And somebody logging into your router with root permission 
is kind of sceary. They could easily change your firewall etc.

Eric Wolzak

---Bering ----

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