Hi all

> and is included on the CD for folks who may not be able to run a domain
> across their VPN/WAN, and thus need to get a linux system running Samba's
> WINS for name resolution, which will allowing workgroup based M$ network
> browsing functionality across a VPN (or other WAN) if configured properly.

Unfortunately, the WINS portion (nmbd) of samba does not allow browsing
functionality over WAN's. I first thought this too, but after reading some
doc's of the samba people and trying it out, I know now for sure:
If you REALLY want cross-subnet-browsing, you'll need the whole samba
package anyway. This is caused by the way how the browsing list generated.
It is NOT generated based on WINS information (typically M$: very stupid).
If you're interested why and how, please read:

But there is a complete samba package. The only link to it is on the
currently down lrp.c0wz.com site. Charles is running a mirror, but the site
which the link is pointing at, Koon Wong's package archive, is down either.
But fortunately, Rick was mirroring Koon Wong's archive so Charles is
mirroring it too:

Use smb-2b.lrp. After using this package, cross-subnet-browsing worked
(please be patient, it's buggy, unreliable and slow).
It's also useful if you just want to access your router through Windows
network instead of FTP or if you have a HD in your router for data.

best wishes

Sandro Minola           | LEAF Developer (http://leaf.sourceforge.net)
http://www.minola.ch    | http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/sminola

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