
I thought I'd let you know that I got Windows Network Browsing (SMB)
working. In the process I learned an incredible amount from the Samba docs
(thanks for pointing me there).

I spent quite a while sniffing the network and examining packets. The
culprit seems to be the cisco router doing IPSEC and inside NAT. I believe
it was the NAT that was the killer, although I have not gone back to prove
it. With the Cisco in place I could not get any Master Browser (Win NT, Win
98, or Samba) on my side of the tunnel to get the browse list from the
other side. Once I replaced the Cisco with another DCD machine running a
subnet of the far end network, my Local Master Browsers ( all of them in
turn) were able to get the browse list with all 25,000 servers. The speed
is very close to that on the corporate LAN. Printing, browsing, everything
works just as it should.

For those who are interested in doing the same thing:

*   You need a local Master Browser. Although Win 95, and 98 try at this,
it works best if you use Samba or NT. Win 2K and XP also work, but they
have to be in hybrid mode for earlier versions of Windows operating systems
to work with them. Samba or NT are much easier to set up.

*   If the network you are accessing has WINS servers, be sure to pass the
WINS server IP address(es) to your remote LAN. The easiest way to do this
is to put the WINS information in dhcpd.conf. If the network does not have
WINS servers you have a lot of work to do. Start reading Samba

The local Master Browser passes the NETBIOS names of servers to your
Windows PCs, the WINS servers provide the NETBIOS name to IP address
conversion for your PC.

Samba contains some excellent overview documents about Windows (SMB)
networking.  Anyone attempting to route a Windows Browse List should read
these documents.


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