On Tue, 14 May 2002 23:25:43 PDT Eric House wrote:

> Using Bering rc2, I'm trying to set up a router with eth0 external
> (ATT cable modem), eth1 a wired Ethernet LAN, and eth2 a wireless
> Ethernet LAN.  Though I may eventually want to put an
> externally-reachable webserver on one of the LANs, I don't think I
> want a dmz.  That is, I want all hosts on eth1 and eth2 to have full
> access to each other as if they were all on the same subnet.

Assuming you've named your shorewall zones "net", "loc" and "wlan" (in
/etc/shorewall/{zones,interfaces}, you could pass traffic freely from
"loc" to "wlan" by adding policies in /etc/shorewall/policy:


  # You could also change the existing "loc -> net" to "loc -> all".
  # Doing so would allow unfiltered access from loc to the firewall.
  loc             wlan            ACCEPT          info

  # New policy to give the wlan access to the private net.
  wlan            loc             ACCEPT          info

This is probably obvious, but...
Be careful; unless you take further precautions, the policies above
will allow anyone with a wireless card nearby (or not-so-nearby with
a wireless card and an antenna) full access to the network hanging
off eth1.

> All interfaces come up fine. 'ip addr' shows all three with the IP
> addresses I'd expect: eth0's assigned via pump, eth1's
> and eth2's  Further, the wired LAN on eth1 seems to be
> working correctly.  A host there gets assigned an IP via dhcpd, and
> dig shows that names are being resolved by the router at
> The host on eth1 can ping (the router's eth2 interface),
> but cannot ping any hosts on eth2.

>From memory, Tom Eastep's shorwall.lrp (and I think Jacques's version,
too) have a rule in /etc/shorewall/rules like so:

  ACCEPT         loc       fw            icmp    8

that allows the loc -> fw: ping.  The policy outlined
above would permit loc -> wlan pings.  You could also leave the
policy as-is and allow selected traffic through by adding rules
like these:

  # pings between wlan and loc
  ACCEPT         loc       wlan          icmp    8
  ACCEPT         wlan      loc           icmp    8

  # http, https and ssh between wlan and loc
  ACCEPT         loc       wlan          tcp     www,https,ssh
  ACCEPT         wlan      loc           tcp     www,https,ssh

> A host on the wireless LAN also gets an IP via dhcp, but DNS isn't working
> for it (though its resolv.conf file shows that it correctly got the DNS
> server:  Like the eth1 host, it can ping the router's other
> internal interface, but can't ping hosts on the other LAN.

You probably need to add a rule to allow the DNS queries:

  ACCEPT         wlan      fw:  udp  domain

> I'm guessing that I need to coerce shorewall into letting those icmp
> packets across the eth1/eth2 boundary.  Is the firewall also
> responsible for the failure of DNS on eth2?  More generally, has
> anyone posted suggestions for making this configuration work?

Running a "tail -f" on /var/log/messages while you are debugging
the rules can be a huge help.  tcpdump(.lrp) can come in handy too,
when log output isn't sufficient to debug the problem.  Hope that
helps at least a little.


> Thanks,
> --Eric House


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