Using Bering rc2, I'm trying to set up a router with eth0 external
(ATT cable modem), eth1 a wired Ethernet LAN, and eth2 a wireless
Ethernet LAN.  Though I may eventually want to put an
externally-reachable webserver on one of the LANs, I don't think I
want a dmz.  That is, I want all hosts on eth1 and eth2 to have full
access to each other as if they were all on the same subnet.

All interfaces come up fine. 'ip addr' shows all three with the IP
addresses I'd expect: eth0's assigned via pump, eth1's
and eth2's  Further, the wired LAN on eth1 seems to be
working correctly.  A host there gets assigned an IP via dhcpd, and
dig shows that names are being resolved by the router at

The host on eth1 can ping (the router's eth2 interface),
but cannot ping any hosts on eth2.

A host on the wireless LAN also gets an IP via dhcp, but DNS isn't working
for it (though its resolv.conf file shows that it correctly got the DNS
server:  Like the eth1 host, it can ping the router's other
internal interface, but can't ping hosts on the other LAN.

I'm guessing that I need to coerce shorewall into letting those icmp
packets across the eth1/eth2 boundary.  Is the firewall also
responsible for the failure of DNS on eth2?  More generally, has
anyone posted suggestions for making this configuration work?


--Eric House

* From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            *
*    Crosswords 4.0 for PalmOS is out!: <>  *


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