On Monday 20 May 2002 04:37 pm, Stephen Lee wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 13:43, David Douthitt wrote:
> > Actually, the *.pem file was used, but an error generated:
> >
> > May 20 13:54:47 lena imapd[80986]: TLS engine: cannot load CA
> > data May 20 13:54:47 lena imapd[80986]: error initializing TLS:
> > [CA_file: ] [CA_path: ] [cert_file: /var/imap/server.pem]
> > [key_file: /var/imap/server.pem]
> >
> > The file:
> >
> > -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1655 May 20 01:02 server.pem
> >
> > I realize its owned by root:wheel, but it is still world-readable
> > (bad?) - I don't know what permissions to give it.
> I think the pem file needs to be readable by the Cyrus user.

With the 644 permissions listed above, it is.

> It looks to me that the pem file is not in a correct format for the
> TLS engine. Take a closer look at how you generated the
> certificate.

I followed the directions given at another site pointed out to me by 
Mike Leone, and went step by step.  When I was done, I had three 
files: newreq.pem, newcert.pem, and cacert.pem.  After this, things 
appeared to work.

I was surprised to find that TSL operates over the standard 
"unencrypted" port 143, whereas SSL has a special port of 993.

> I had a similar problem when generating a certificate
> for stunnel and tried for many hours to solve it. In the end, I
> simply took a pem file (generated with same SSL library) from
> another package and used that to good effect.

I'm not using stunnel now.

> I'm curious as to why you need to tunnel imap if you're already
> using SSL? What about imaps or simap?

I wasn't using SSL when I started.  I would use imaps but I'm now 
using TSL instead - I'll use SSL if TSL isn't available.  It appears 
that TSL uses the standard port 143.

According to my services file, there is no simap: only imap (port 
143), imap3 (port 220), imap4-ssl (port 585), and imaps (port 993).  
Presumably both imap3 and imap4-ssl are deprecated.


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