See below.

At 08:50 AM 5/30/02 -0500, Homer Parker wrote:
>         Having a bit of trouble getting my wireless card to be the external
>interface (wireless ISP).. Any pointers, tips, tricks, etc appreciated..
>I'm currently trying to get everything reversed so eth1 is external, but
>that seems to be a bandaid approach... Also having another 'little'
>problem (asides from forgetting to go to bad last night ;).. On bootup,
>the dhclient is trying to get an IP address, but doesn't succeed.. I don't
>see it's requests in the logs for the dhcp server... But, once it's
>booted, if I log in and run '/etc/init.d/dhclient restart', it comes up
>with an IP just fine... This is through the wireless interface... Any

 From other recent reports on the list, a problem with wireless interfaces 
*seems* to be the amount of time they take to initialize. This leads to 
your DHCP client trying to get a lease via the wireless interface before it 
completes the initialization process. Of course, later the initialization 
is complete, so you can get a lease successfully from the command line.

I *think* the proposed solution was simply to put a delay into the init 
sequence somewhere ... but you'd do better to check the list archive for 
the details than to rely on my memory.

As to the interface order ... the usual approach (at least when the two 
NICs use different modules, as would surely be the case here) is to reverse 
the order in which the modules load (that is, change their order in 
/etc/modules). Since you don't say (at least not in the body of your 
message) what you've tried, I don't know if this suggestion is helpful or 
is something you tried already.

-----------------------------------------------"Never tell me the 
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, California, USA                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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