If I can come up to speed quickly enough, I would be glad to help.

One feature that I particularly liked in Trinux, is the ability to 
download packages from an ftp or http server during system startup.  

This takes the pressure off the space limitations of the floppy, and 
allows one to include more functionality if you have the RAM to spare.

There are security considerations if you are booting a firewall, but for 
other purposes, it can be very useful.

Has anyone considered using snarf to retrieve packages from a nearby 
server?  Just think..  A real shell, a real vi and sshd without giving up 
something important!


In Trinux, Matt dynamically sets up the size of the ramdisk based on the 
available memory.  More memory = more ramdisk.

If there is the possiblity of getting these features into your release, I 
might take the initiative.


Timothy Burt
Internet Specialist


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