Le Lundi 3 Juin 2002 12:08, Tom Lisjac a écrit :
> Hi Jacques,
> Thanks for building the Bering firewall distribution... it's quite
> excellent!
> I have almost got everything working on my new Bering router but am
> having one lingering problem that I can't seem to solve. I can ping IP
> addresses on the outside from my internal network. DNS also works on the
> router to the outside. Unfortunately port 53 on the router isn't visible
> on the inside network. All I can see with nmap are ports 22 and 80.

You mean you can ping ip's but cannot resolve dns from clients but are able 
to do so from the router ?
If so check
1/ /etc/resolv.conf on your client --> should match the internal adress of 
your router 10.x.x.x
2/ /etc/dnscache/root/ip on your router (touch 10 will grant all the 10.x.x.x 
addresses access to dnscache). I really suspect that one.
Also the the dnscache config through the dnscache configuration menu
> My internal network is 10.x.x.x/8 based. Since all the defaults are set
> up for 192.168.x.x, I'm wondering if I've missed a buried setting
> somewhere in ShoreWall or dnscache. Any suggestions would be greatly
> appreciated!
Hard to be more specific without more detailed info on your config files


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