At 09:37 AM 6/4/02 -0400, Jaime Goncalves wrote:
>Hi I'm trying to rdp into my win2k server behind my lrp box this is the
>command to open the port on the lrp box from the command line  "ipchains
>-A  forward -p tcp -s 3389 -d 3389 -j
>can any one see a problem with the syntax

The syntax looks fine.

But in choosing to conceal the IP addresses involved, you left open the 
question of whether this setup is a simple router or a NAT'ing router. If 
the LEAF router is NAT'ing, you'll need to add a port-forwarding entry (via 
ipmasqadm) instead of this ipchains entry. And in any case, you may need to 
modify the input chain to ACCEPT incoming traffic from or to (or both) port 
3389. (And since I am unacqquainted with the rdp service, I don't actuaally 
know that it can be made to work through a NAT'd connection at all.)

Oh, one qualification on my syntax comment ... you are adding (-A) this 
rule rather than inserting (-I ##) it. This means it gets put at the *end* 
of the forward chain. Since packets pass through the rules of a chain in 
order until they hit a matching one, it is possible that some rule prior to 
the one you are creating will catch and act on the packets. This is why a 
chain's rules have to be evaluated as a set, not singly, in isolation.

If this really was just a question about the syntax of ipchains commends, 
then you are set. If you are experiencing trouble with the hookup, though 
(as I suspect), you'll probably need to post a more complete trouble 
descriptnion. See the "SR FAQ" link below for help if you need to do this.
-----------------------------------------------"Never tell me the 
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, California, USA                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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