> I scanned one of my firewalls just for the fun of it.
> We've been using Nessus for scanning a client's network
> to prepare for a security audit.  Nothing fancy, just
> a "default, don't DOS or destroy anything" type of
> scan.  Thought you all might be interested.  Dach CD
> 1.02 (I updated some packages awhile back, libz...)
> It says the WWW server crashed.  This is Weblet.  It
> didn't crash really, it kinda got confused.  When I
> looked it was running 20 or so servers, a bunch of seds,
> and was not responding to requests.  I killed a bunch of
> processes, then it restarted itself.
> Here it is...


Good info...thanks for sharing the results.

I'm not too suprised by the web server "crash".  It was never really setup
to handle tons of inbound requests.  In fact, there's a "feature" of inetd
(which launches weblet).  If you recieve too many inbound connection
requests in a short period of time, inetd assumes there's something wrong
and stops recieving connections for 10 minutes.  That or running out of
memory (easy to do on a system w/o lots of RAM with a scanner firing off
tons of simultanious requests) is probably the culprit.

The main thing to note is the currently dated ssh shipping with
Dachstein-CD.  Anyone want to volunteer to make an update CD?  I just don't
have the time :<

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)


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