> I'm actually working on an updated cd.  I have
> added/updated ipmail.lrp, udhcp.lrp, sshkey.lrp,
> sshd.lrp, sshd.lrp, sftp.lrp, and my libz.lrp was
> updated previously.  Any other packages I should
> update/add?  How about recent script changes?  I'd be
> willing to update those as well if needed.

The current todo list includes the following:


  Support multiple mount points in space-check multicron script
  Fix ping check e-mail functionality
  Fix package not found bug in /linuxrc
  Fix updatetime() in /etc/multicron-p
  Fix mount.back dev = "" POSIXness bug
x Add example lrpkg.cfg to CD Contents
x Add example pkgpath.cfg to CD Contents
  Alter weblet disk-checking script to ignore CD-ROM (always 100% full)
  ?Use busybox to build links instead of root.bb.links
  mac addy command in /etc/modules
  fix extra IP problem when using new net segment.
  Add to stopMartians
  Support unblocking of private IP ranges

  Package updates:
x   snmp
    ssh* (add sftp)

  New packages:
x   keyboard.lrp
x   ez-ipupd.lrp
    ntpclient - name too long!

  Update binaries:
    ?new busybox


Some of the script stuff would be nice to address, but it's probably more
important to get a version released with updated/secure binaries for snmp,
ssh, and libz.

I can try and tackle a couple of the scripting jobs, but no guarantees for
how much I'll be able to get to...that means now would be a good time for
everyone to scream really loudly for their most desired new
features/bug-fixes.  Flattery and/or bribery probably wouldn't hurt, either

NOTE:  I have a new busybox compiled with ash built-in.  The new busybox
fixes a few bugs and adds some new features, while compiling ash in saves
quite a bit of space.  I can make this available (or re-compile with
different options) if desired, but if ash gets included in busybox, it will
need to be heavily tested prior to a full release.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)


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