> I'm hoping you have a quick answer on this one. I'm running DCD 1.02. I
> the system up and running with two VPNs happily passing data, and then the
> thunderstorm came. Don't think it was the culprit, but on reboot etc.lrp
> was unreadable. Even though I keep telling people to back up their config
> floppies, I didn't get a roundtuit for this one. So I rebuilt the
> network.conf , and other etc files. And rebooted. Now the firewall works
> just fine.  The VPN gets established, but when the updown script runs
> reports that it is unable to route. The firewall rules look OK. Everything
> looks fine, but there is something I am missing and it's driving me nuts.
> I even tried an "ipsec auto --route" with the same results: "unable to
> route".  Is there something simple and obvious that I'm missing here?
> I just thought I'd ask before I got to the trouble of rebuilding
> from scratch. I've built a dozen leafs now and never hit this issue.

I've not seen this error, so I don't know if I can help much.  About the
only thing I can think of is to make sure you've loaded the ifconfig/route
binaries (ifconfig.lrp), since the FreeS/WAN scripts use these instead of
the ip command.  Maybe your lrpkg.cfg file on the floppy got hosed along
with etc.lrp?

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)


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