On Thursday 27 June 2002 14:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm planning to build a redundant connection between our offices.
> The networks are connected with E1 WAN links, briefly it look's like:
> Office1                                                 Office2
> |        __________                   __________        |
> |_______| Router1  |____ WAN Link____| Router2  |_______|
> |
> |       |__________|                 |__________|       |
> The network are more complex than this.
> We have an internet connection at Office1 and we are going to
> connecting Office2 also.
> We are using OSPF as routing protocol in the network, behind both
> Office1 and Office2 are other offices connected. The  connection
> between Office1 and Office2 are very important.
> The new network could look like this:
> Office1
> Office2
> |     _____      __________                   __________      _____  
> |   | ____| LRP |____| Router1  |____ WAN Link____| Router2  |____|
> | LRP |____|
> |
> |    |_____|    |__________|   _ _     _ _   |__________|    |_____| 
> |    |   |
> |    |
> |       |                 _ _ |   |_ _|   |_ _                  |    
> |       |   |
> |       |
>         |                |      Internet      |                 |
>         |
>         |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
>         |
>                         | IPSec VPN connection |
>                         |
>                          |_ _      _ _     _ _|
>                          |
>                               |_ _|   |_ _|
> Of course there are more equipment in the Internet connection.
> My question are, if anyone have set up this with LRP or other LINUX
> based firewall/Router?
> If so, I hope you can help me with some experience of setting up
> IPSec and OSPF right to reroute the traffic if main link breaks.

I'm not among them, but a few people are using LEAF and the Zebra
suite to run WAN routing. Fail-over has been done by a few others
with the 2.2.x kernels with custom fail-over scripts. 
Sans any better help, these links may lead you in the right direction:


The WAN routing and multiple outgoing interfaces should be easier to 
do with a 2.4.x  kernel (Bering image), but again, I haven't attempted

I hope this helps,

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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