On Monday 01 July 2002 16:51, Abjin M H wrote:
> Thank you Charles. Now I am getting a different error
> Jul  1 14:30:38 babylon ipsec_setup: Starting FreeS/WAN IPsec 1.91...
> Jul  1 14:30:38 babylon ipsec_setup: KLIPS debug `all'
> Jul  1 14:30:39 babylon ipsec_setup: KLIPS ipsec0 on eth0
> broadcast Jul  1 14:30:39
> babylon ipsec_setup: WARNING: ipsec0 has route filtering turned on,
> KLIPS may not work Jul  1 14:30:39 babylon ipsec_setup: 
> (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ipsec0/rp_filter = `1', should be 0) Jul  1
> 14:30:39 babylon ipsec_setup: WARNING: eth0 has route filtering
> turned on, KLIPS may not work Jul  1 14:30:39 babylon ipsec_setup: 
> (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter = `1', should be 0) Jul  1
> 14:30:39 babylon ipsec_setup: ...FreeS/WAN IPsec started

This can be safely ignored and should not affect operation.

> So I changed the line 116 in /etc/init.d/network to
> echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter
> did a back up and rebooted the system and found that the change that
> i made is gone. How do i make the change permanent

If it really bothers you, you can drop the ipspoofing protection
in /etc/network.conf. This is what sets rp_filter in the masquerading 

I hope this helps,

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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