
I'm having problems when the computer boots.  It gets as far as starting to
load the packages, but after it starts loading the 1st or 2nd package it
reboots & starts all over.  I've tried several things including using my old
dos norton's diagnostics disk & ran a burn in for 2 hours no problem,
testing memory, floppy drives, video, etc...  but when I stuck the Bering
boot disk in it did the same thing.

Now here's the really weird thing...  it *was* working just fine.  Then I
actually mounted the floppy drives to the casing, screwed the cards in, put
the top back on it & took it downstairs...  now it doesn't work no matter
what I do.  Not only that, but if I screw the screw that holds the video
card in all the way it gives me an FDC error when it boots, I have to
unscrew it half a turn to a full turn to get it to boot without this.

I've even tried to disassemble the hardware & insert the cards into
different slots, reassigning IRQs, taking everything out except the video
card & 1 of the floppy drives, still no dice even with the standard Bering
rc3 boot disk (which works, I tried it on at least 2 other computers & it at
least gets me past the login).

The only thing I can think of is maybe there's something wrong with the cpu,
but I'm not even sure about that...  it's an AMD k-5 p100 & using the
norton's diagnostics disk it tested out at an average of ~101Mhz.  All the
hardware has been tested out on other computers except the motherboard &

Any ideas as to whether this is a software or hardware problem??  Thanks for
any help.


P.S. anyone know what drivers would work with a gigafast ethernet card? the
drivers disk came with rtl8139.c & compile batch file.  I've not been very
successful in following the instructions on the site to set up a virtual
environment to compile stuff.

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