Craig wrote (on Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 12:28:01PM -0700):
| Hi folks,
| I read the article in last month's Linux Journal about LEAF -vs- Cisco
| but unfortunately, I don't think they came to any real conclusions. I
| was particularly interested because I would like to use LEAF (Bering in
| particular) at my company (and I was hoping the article would provide
| some credible statistics)...but I'm afraid management will sneer and
| "poo-poo" my decision to implement it. I think they feel, like I'm sure
| other businesses feel, that because they've heard their competitor Brand
| X uses a Cisco router (oooh, ahhh), that it MUST be the smart thing to
| do. So, I thought I would ask so many of you who probably know both of
| these products like the "back of your hand", and probably use them on a
| daily basis. DOES Linux/LEAF compare to Cisco? Do you think
| that Linux/LEAF can handle most business scenarios? I know Charles says
| that he uses Dachstein at his businesses. What do you think are its
| limitations? Other comments? Thank you as always.
| Craig

I've used both PIX 506 and Bering for the same purpose. Cisco costs a little
more (1,000 - 1,500) but the main difference is power vs. configurability.
Cisco has a nice, polished CLI - still a steep learning curve. But there are
somethings it just will not do (in my case, Static NAT port forwarding), and
then you are SOL. Linux, on the other hand, lets you do whatever you want to,
but the learning curve is steeper still for a newbie. Support is better on the
Cisco side, but Linux has the power of the internet.

If you have a gearhead in your shop, Linux is a clear win. Otherwise, buy both
- very much not a waste of money. If Linux wins, you can always find something
for Cisco to do. If Cisco wins, well a good Linux box can always do something
else. And it doesn't hurt to have two firewalls, right?

Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, EA, LLM         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law 
Economic Group Pension Services
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants

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