Le Dimanche 25 Août 2002 22:35, vous avez écrit :
> I've just setup my first LEAF firewall and everything has gone smoothly
> until IPsec.  When Freeswan starts, it prints the following:
> ipsec_setup: Starting FreeS/WAN IPsec 1.98b...
> ifconfig: not found
> ipsec manual: fatal error in "tunnel1": no IPsec-enabled interfaces found
If you really need manual IPSEC then download the ifconfig.lrp package from 
Charles site.
Or in the /lib/ipsec directory the following statement  of the manual script 
should be converted with its ip command equivalent. (ifconfig by default is 
not available in Bering)

case "$interfs" in
'')     interfs="`ifconfig |
                awk '   /^ipsec/ { interf = $1 ; next }
                        /^[^ \t]/ { interf = "" ; next }
                        /^[ \t]*inet addr/ {
                                sub(/:/, " ", $0)
                                if (interf != "")
                                        print $3 "@" interf
                         }' | tr '\n' ' '`"
Chad: something to fix for the next release ?


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