Hi Craig

At 08:04 04/09/02 -0700, Craig wrote:
>I'm trying to set-up SSH on Bering and have a
>couple of questions: Do I also need to use the ssh.lrp package or do I
>truly only need the libz.lrp, sshd.lrp, and sshkey.lrp packages?

You need libz.lrp and sshd.lrp for day-to-day running, and sshkey.lrp when 
initially setting up.  For the setup you describe, you won't need ssh.lrp.

>I know
>the documentation at
>http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/openssh.html says that I don't
>need the ssh.lrp but the reason I ask is because I don't have a
>/etc/init.d/ssh file as is referenced in the "how-to" at
>entitled "How Do I add SSH to the LEAF boot disk Description: v0.8.0 by
>Steven Peck" and I'm wondering why I don't??? Also, is the command to
>generate your key "makekey" (without the quotes of course) or
>./mkhostkey as referenced in the "How-to"? Thank you.

My sshd-enabled Bering install calls this file /etc/init.d/sshd - that's 
the file you'll want to examine.  Steven's document is quite a bit older 
than Jacques', and it relates to significantly older, no-longer maintained 
releases of both LEAF and sshd, so may not be so useful or accurate.




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