At 10:34 AM 9/4/02 -0400, Todd MacDougall wrote:
>I plan on using the Bering distro to service up to 75-80 users.  Are
>there any configurations that I should be addressing before doing this?
>For example, should I be changing cache sizes?
>Thanks in advance for any assistance that can be provided.

1. With or without NAT? (This many users, if all active at once, could 
strain the system's available ports for NAT'd connections.)

2. What bandwidth on the Internet side? (Affects the hardware you'll need.)

3. Does "users" = hosts (actual computers, I mean)? How many *simultaneous* 
connections do you anticipate? (Could affect hardware requirements on the 
LAN side.)

4. In general terms, what do you expect the users to be doing? Any unusual 
or "problem" services involved?

The number by itself does not suggest anything special. The details may, 
however ... both answers to the specific questions I asked and a general 
description of the planned service offering.

-------------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"--------
Ray Olszewski                                   -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, California, USA                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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