Which package of sshd?

matt wrote:
> hello again everyone.  i'm having a problem with sshd.  everything
> loads well, and looks like it's running (according to netstat and ps
> ax).  every time i connect with the client software, the connection is
> imediately dropped (before any key is passed).  Here's what PuTTY's
> event log records:
> Server version: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.4p1
> We claim version: SSH-1.5-PuTTY
> Using SSH protocol version 1
> and nothing else.  a window reports that the connection was closed by
> the remote host.
> each login attempt causes an entry in auth.log:
> sshd[923]: fatal: mmap(65536): Invalid argument
> the 923 changes....but i believe that is to be expected (differet
> processes?)
> anyway...does anyone hane any idea what's goin wrong here?
> I'm using dachstein btw.


Best Regards,

mds resource

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