On Sat, 21 Sep 2002 18:53:42 -0400 lbilyeu wrote:

> How To set Date & Time -         3 questions
> I  )  Is there a Date&Time HowTo for leaf?

Not sure if it has made it into formal documentation yet, but
Jeff Newmiller was kind enough to write this document about
setting the timezone:


> II )  I've forgotten how to set the date, time & timezone under leaf 
> (bering)
>        for the system, user, and the cpu's clock. Where are examples of 
> the
>        correct usage for the commands documented? Where are the caveats 
> for
>        timezones & dachstein/bering particulars documented?

There have been several postings about clock configuration
and the busybox date command to the leaf-user list, including
the one linked above.  The archives might be your best source
of information.  The best search interface is currently at

The busybox date command should (mostly) work like other
versions, so "man date" might be helpful there.


> III)  rdate appears to be available, but most servers have depreciated 
> it
>        (are no longer accepting it) where might I find a list of servers
>        that still accept rdate requests?
> thanks

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