> > I'd suggest configuring dnscache to listen on the IP for
> > your DMZ hosts.  You can setup a second dnscache to listen on
> > for your internal network.  The two tinydns instances
> > be run on loopback interfaces (there's more than just
> > available, remember...in fact, there's a whole class A) or
> > private IP's from your internal network (ie as
> Yes, I see the logic; but, what is wrong -- or, worse, impossible --
> with my desire to correct the underlying problem and dnscache will
> both networks?
> Since dnscache cannot be poisoned, and the answers it gathers are
> authoritative, and we can restrict the source of questions to which it
> responds, why do we need more than one (1) to serve these two (2)
> networks?

Because you didn't want DMZ systems to be able to resove names for
private internal systems.  This requires two instances of dnscache, or
bind with multiple zones.

> Isn't this really a routing and ipchains problem?  Is there a solution
> in that context?

Yes, and there is probably an ipchains solution.  If it was me, however,
I'd probably just configure dnscache to listen to (like you had
it already, IIRC), and tell the internal systems to use
for DNS, and your DMZ systems to use  That should side-step
the masquerading issue, which is kind of a tricky problem to solve
cleanly, since you're basically trying to secure DMZ access to resources
on the internal network (generally a bad idea).

If you really want to stick with one IP for dnscache, it should be  Since this is a DMZ IP address, the ipchains rules should
already be setup, since internal systems are allowed free (but
masqueraded) access to the DMZ already.  I haven't tried this with dns,
but I can ssh & snmp to any of the IP's on a firewall (including public
IP & DMZ IP) from the internal network, so I'd think dns should work

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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