On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 07:50:50 +0530, you wrote: 
>Where could I take a look at the interface? It may do good to talk to
>Lynn Avants a.k.a guitarlynn as a user interface project is being
>spearheaded for LEAF by this person. I would think that the interface
>should work on thinner components like thttpd or boa and maybe hyberbase
>kind of db which is good for small memory based databases.

Thanks for your hint, but ... :)

... i go another direction. I think bigger(in terms of megabyte). My system
is based on bering. I use a cd-rom as boot system, so i have no space

My plan is following. I want to create a system which is booting from cd-rom
and works on a ram disk. bering does this very well. On this system should
run a intranet system. For the intranet i use phpGroupware, because i'm a
developer of phpGroupware. phpGroupware requires PHP. I want to support
HTTPS. so i use apache(mod_ssl). phpGroupware requires a database in the
background, so i use mysql. A intranet needs a SMTP server, so i use
postfix..... and so on. :)

I plan to write a white paper some day. 

I would like to have this system as small as possible, but i now i'm already
at 60MByte(apache, postfix, mysql, openssl, openldap, php4). This would not
fit on a floppy disk anymore. The ramdisk becomes bigger. And you need a
harddisk as storage for the emails, ldap database ....

Just some thougths.

Lars Kneschke

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