> I have started a little project based on LEAF, which i plan to release
> later. I added more programms(apache, mysql, postfix, openldap, php4),
> started working on a webinterface and burned all on a bootable cd-rom. It
> was working all well with rc3.
> Today i upgraded to RC4 and now mysql(/usr/sbin/mysql --user=mysql) can't
> start anymore. When i start mysql the following way (/usr/sbin/mysql
> --user=root) it is starting up. I saw that you changed something
> Does someone have a idea, where i can start  looking?
This sounds to be be indeed grsecurity related. Bering was not really
designed to be a full fledged distro :-) but rather a secure router...
The way to proceed would be to compile your own kernel and relax the
grsecurity options. Since I am currently out of town I cannot help you more
about that --> I do not have access to my doc.
Hope you will find the solution. If so please report it to the list

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