Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> > "Michael D. Schleif" wrote:
> >
> > <snip />
> >
> >> conn %default
> >>         authby=rsasig
> >>         auto=start
> >>         # keyexchange=ike
> >>         keyingtries=0
> >>         # keylife=8h
> >>         left=%defaultroute
> >>         leftfirewall=yes
> >>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>         leftrsasigkey=_secret_key_for_other_vpns_
> >>         ### leftsubnet=
> >>         ### leftsubnet=
> >
> > While we are here, *how* is it possible to define multiple (read, more
> > than one) subnets at leftsubnet= ?
> >
> > In our case, we currently have:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> More details to come, but it's the weekend, and I'm on my way to a 10K
> run...

Great!  We really appreciate your participation in this interesting

> The above problem is very simple.  You have a few options:
> 1) You can expand the leftsubnet definition to include all your
> networks.  In the above case, you would have to use the
> network specification you already have entered and commented out.  Note
> that this includes several additional /24 networks which may or may not
> cause a problem.  As always, proper subnetting and IP allocations can
> make life a lot easier...

Yes, this works for the other tunnels; and, yes, better subnet design
upfront would have made this easier -- O, hindsight ;>

> 2) Create multiple tunnels, one for each subnet.  You will wind up with
> several connection descriptions in your ipsec.conf file, which can be
> greatly simplified by making approppriate use of the default parameters
> section and possibly some of the include functionality.
> 3) Combine the two approaches.  In your case, you could create two
> connection descriptions instead of three by using:

I was wondering if there was a way to define
leftsubnet=_a_string_of_many_disparate_networks_ -- apparently not?

> I'm still digesting your previous post, and will provide more comments
> later today.  To clarify, it looks like your VPN link is being made with
> the Cisco, rather than the Dicom box [B] as I had previously
> this correct?

Yes, the cisco is doing the ipsec.

> Also, it *IS* possible to do Masquerading prior to the IPSec tunnel:

Unfortunately, Andre wants us to do "ipsec before nat" or "nat between

By-the-by, the reason that the /21 subnet is commented out is this
link's suggestion: "omit the leftsubnet= parameter".

> You'll probably also want to keep the IPSec packet flow in mind when
> planning network architecture:

Yes, duly noted.

> Note that packets *DO* pass through the forward chain before hitting the
> ipsecN interface and getting encrypted.  Also note that any packets
> hitting an ipsecN interface that *DO NOT* match an existing SA will be
> silently DROPPED.



Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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