Hello all ,

At this moment , i have a bering 1.0 box connected to a cable operated 
which uses DHCP for dynamic IP allocation using a 20 minute lease time.

I use the pump package at this moment and the system is 24Hr/24Hr  7days up.

I've noticed that after a long period ( 2 weeks and longer ) my operator 
doesn't  allow the update of my DHCP lease so that this will expire and my
eth0 interface goes down. 
after this , i have to reboot the system te get the eth0 backup with a new IP 

If tried to run ifdown and ifup with 1 hour difference but the interface did
not came up. (done this using a crontab entry as user root)

Is there a way to force a IP update from pump so that i'll get 
a new IP address (new , meaning a different IP address , not extending my 
current DHCP lease).


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