Thanks for the help, as i say in last message, the problem was solved with the change of the ports in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts, now it works ok!

Really thank you for the help!

Samuel Abreu

You shouldn't need to modify /etc/init.d/pcmcia .  Do you have
a /etc/pcmcia/hermes.conf file?  You should, and it should have
a section something like this:

  device "orinoco_cs"
    class "network"
    module "hermes", "orinoco", "orinoco_cs"

at the top.  I think you can also use:

  device "orinoco_cs"
    class "network"
    module "hermes", "orinoco" opts "pc_debug=3", "orinoco_cs"

to get extra debugging information.  The "module" line reflects
the module dependencies and should cause hermes and orinoco to
be loaded before orinoco_cs.

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