On Thursday 23 January 2003 06:07 am, S Mohan wrote:
> Options are:
> 1. load up a web server like boa, load perl and do this on the LEAF box
> itself.
> 2. make the LEAF box report to a disk based Linux/ Windows Systems that can
> display the results in a graphical form.

I think you would be happier with option #2.

> Information needed:
> 1. Where is the class based flow info stored? How do I retrieve it?

Most likely in /proc.  cat /proc/<whatever>

> 2. Has anyone tried SNMP agent on LEAF? experience - has it been good? If
> good, which modules/ packages and sequence of modules to be loaded.

Several people are using SNMP with LEAF. They use the net-snmp.lrp package.

> 3. Has anyone done this before and am I reinventing the wheel?

Exactly what your attempting? I seriously doubt it.

> 4. Is rrdtool available as a package on Bering? If not, can someone compile
> it and publish it please? I wish I had the wherewithal to do so - still not
> experienced enough.

Bookmark: http://leaf-project.org/pub/packages-list.html
It doesn't appear that there is a rrdtool. If you can setup and run SNMP,
you shouldn't have any problem compiling a program w/Slink/RH5.2.

> 5. Has anyone tried running perl on a LEAF box?

Yep, check the link above.

> 6. Will grsecurity prevent a web server based plugin/ scripting language
> from writing to a file system?

Nope, but I wouldn't think you would want to run a web-server as root.....
unless you like having your firewall compromised. It would be safer yet
running under chroot, but then you couldn't write to much of anything outside
of /var/www. Option 3, use su-wrapper to do the actual writing for your CGI.

You might take a look at the upcoming LINCE release in CVS, I believe a
couple of expansions on the typical LEAF setup are included that might
save you some work.
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall developer

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