Okay, today I'm trying to get our Exchange 2000 mailserver online behind the firewall.

Currently mail is set to go straight from our ISP's router to (the ip address of our exchange server)

I'm trying to do a minimal amount of work to get the firewall in between the ISP's router and the exchange server so I configured the firewall's external interface (eth0) to be and the internal interface to The exchange server is now

In trying to setup port forwarding for smtp services I put the following in my network.conf file:

# TCP services open to outside world
# Space seperated list: srcip/mask_dstport
#EXTERN_TCP_PORTS=" 0/0_www 0/0_1023"


# Uncomment following for port-forwarded internal services.
# The following is an example of what should be put here.
# Tuples are as follows:
# <protocol>_<local-ip>_<local-port>_<remote-ip>_<remote-port>
#INTERN_SERVERS="tcp_${EXTERN_IP}_ftp_192.168.1.1_ftp tcp_${EXTERN_IP}_smtp_192.168.1.1_smtp"

I've also reconfigured the smtp settings on the Exchange Server and in Exchange. Currently I can send mail out (both to the LAN and to the internet) but incoming internet email never makes it to the server.

I've also tried changing the EXTERN_TCP_PORTS line to read:


and even tried

EXTERN_TCP_PORTS="" (The ISP's router's external IP)

With either of those settings I can also send, but not receive. What else can I try?

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