> Hey! Yahoo and an increasing number of other sites are using a
> fsck'ed form of load-balancing that depends on your machine
> (firewall anyway) answering tons of requests from placed DNS servers
> around the world.  The LEAF variants don't readily conform to making
> all these replies, so there are issues with this type of
> load-balancing working if the webpage does NOT specify a default or
> fall-back procedure does not work as expected. If this is your
> problem, you should see a ton of DNS requests in your logs denied at
> the firewall OR a ton of connect connections via DNS ports on the
> firewall (that sometimes chokes out a connection).  In any case,
> this behaviour is non-rfc compliant and not readily fixable until it
> can be changed to behave in a rfc-compliant way. I can say that it
> may or may not work depending on the particular code of the html
> page that is processed. If you can link a 'failed page', I can tell
> you whether or not this is the problem.

Two sites that work great when I connect directly to the dsl modem
(using pppoe on a Debian Testing system) but are unusable when I go
through LEAF are epicurious.com and winespectator.com.  Yahoo.com too,
as discussed.  They're not blocked, just incredibly -- 10 minutes per
page -- slow.  Also, it helps to click on the links multiple times, as
if most outgoing packets resulting from those clicks were being

I'm not seeing any denied packets in the shorewall logs when running
Bering.  I don't have shorewall on the laptop.  There are no ports
open other than to 192.168.1.* (as per /etc/hosts.allow).

Two other pieces of information.

1) Bering and Bering-uClib behave the same.  I was wrong before about
   only the uClib version having the problem.  I've had some perceived
   performance problems with Bering-uClib at one location but it was
   nothing like what I'm seeing now with stock Bering 1.0.

2) Bering does NOT have this problem when used on at ATT cable
   connection.  Yahoo and the rest are fine.  So it's somehow related
   to pppoe or maybe to PacBell/SBC.

I've seen this with Mozilla and lynx and links.  Have not yet checked
whether it happens if the host is not running Linux, but can't see how
that'd make a difference.


* From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            *
*    Crosswords 4.0 for PalmOS is out!: <http://www.peak.org/~fixin/xwords>  *

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