On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 15:07, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> Ronny Aasen wrote:
> > what kind of hardware will i need to saturate a 100 mbit switched
> > network.
> > 
> > using bering, 2 nics and no vpn or masquerading this is pure routing.
> A decent pentium class system should be capable of saturating a couple 
> 100 MBit links.  You will need to use "server class" PCI NIC's (like the 
>   DEC based cards using the tulip driver, or the 3COM 3C905...I've heard 
> good things about the Intel based cards as well, but haven't tried them 
> personally).  You'll also want a good PCI chipset (hard to quantify 
> without getting into lots of low-level hardware details).
> As a general rule of thumb, processing a packet takes a fairly fixed 
> amount of CPU, so if your saturated 100 Mbits of traffic is lots of 
> small packets, you'll need more CPU than if the traffic is mainly large 
> packets for bulk transfers.
> I think anything over a P133/166 should work fine, and something like a 
> P-2 or P-3 system with a BX chipset (or better...anything with a 100 MHz 
> FSB) would give you quite a bit of headroom.

In other word i can't buy such prosessors anymore...
I'v been using VIA's C3 a lot lately, since it don't need a cpu cooler,
i guess i'll stick to that.

and i have quite a lot of 3c905's around.

Now i just need a fanless psu....

thx for the quick replies :)

Ronny Aasen
Datapart AS

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