> Someone said me, that using a RAM as cache of a proxy reduces 
> the life of
> the RAM to two years. Is it true?

I don't see how this can be true.

> When I run squid en a Bering Box, it opens 18 squid and 5 dnsserver
> processes. Is it normal?
> 23686 root       6352 S    (squid)
>  9198 root       6352 S    (squid)
> 29810 nobody     1632 S    (dnsserver)
> 22106 nobody     1476 S    (dnsserver)

I think these are configurable in your .conf files.

Guys : I haven't used Squid on LRP before, but I know on my home box I set
it to run as user : squid.  Squid should definitely not be run as root...


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