At 05:35 PM 2/25/2003 -0300, Heriberto Höhlke wrote:

Someone said me, that using a RAM as cache of a proxy reduces the life of
the RAM to two years. Is it true?

No. I wonder if you were actually told that using a device like a DiskOnChip or a Sandisk memory card this way shortened its life. If so, that's probably true, since it is write cycles that ultimately limit the life of solid-state disk emulators of this sort (or at least it used to be). True RAM disks don't have this limitation.

When I run squid en a Bering Box, it opens 18 squid and 5 dnsserver
processes. Is it normal?

It's been awhile since I ran squid, but I recall that it routinely spawns a lot of children and keeps them around, so it can handle requests quickly (in much the way tha apache does). I don't know about the *specific* numbers you are seeing, but multiple processes are narutal for this sort of server.

[rest deleted]

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