I'm trying to run thttpd on a Soekris 4521 with WISP-dist (Release
2003-01-22(2508)).  I've taken version 2.15 of thttpd (packaged as
thttpd.lrp) and installed it as part of WISP-dist.

>From a browser on my laptop, I can see static pages served from thttpd
on the soekris box.  There is a server side include app (ssi) that is
distributed with thttpd.  When I execute that (i.e.,
http://wisp.address.com/ssi?), it displays an error message "500
Internal Error - Couldn't get PATH_INFO..." so I know I'm hitting the
cgi-bin directory.

I can't, however, execute a cgi program.  All I get displayed is a blank
page; which (when I look at the page source) shows the header
<title>stuff</title> and a body with no stuff.

I suspect the problem is related to the chroot in my thttpd.conf file
but I've tried both chroot and nochroot and still do not have it
working.  These are the things I've done:

1.      I've set user=root in the thttpd.conf file since the /var/www
directory are defined for root.

2.      All directories are defined as 755.

3.      All files (including executables) are defined as 755.

4.      I've tried to run a shell script but since sh (actually it's ash)
uses loadable modules and I supposedly have chroot to /var/www, it
should not run (and, of course, doesn't).

5.      I've created a simple .c program that just does a printf( "I'm
here.\n"), compiled it with flags -march=i486 and -static and put it in
the cgi-bin directory.  It has no loadable modules so it should not care
where chroot is pointing.  I still get the same problem.

Okay, I'm crying "Uncle!" right now.  What am I missing?  Why would the
'ssi' executable run but my statically linked app does not?

The following is my thttpd.conf file.



#thttpd config file
# Specifies an alternate port number to listen on. (Default: 80)
# Specifies a directory to chdir() to at startup.
# Do a chroot() at initialization time (chroot/nochroot)
# Check symlinks to verify they are within origional document tree
# (symilnk/nosymlink)  Not used if chroot is turned on
#Specifies what user to run as when invoked by root. (Default: nobody)
# Specifies a pattern for CGI  programs (None == no cgi support)
# Specifies a file of throttle settings.
# Specifies a hostname to bind to, for multihoming. (Default: bind all)
# Leave blank to log via syslog or specify an alternate file here.
# Specifies a file to write the pid to.  If not specified, no pid is written

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