At 06:34 PM 2/28/2003 -0800, Dennis Christilaw wrote:
I have done fresh installs on both UNIX boxes but I cannot get them to
Ping outside the LAN regardless of the way I have networking set up on
them. I tried DHCP and Static IP assignment and configuration and cannot
get it to do it on either boxes. Prior to having the LRP box do my
routing, I was able to get on the net with my Sun and now I cannot. I
can ping any of my IP's on the internal network...

Can anyone point me in some direction from here? I have tried ALL kinds
of weird stuff including some strange voodoo stuff and no work...

Well ... we don't get much traffic here about Sun hosts, but troubleshooting them is in principle the same as any other host. Invoking the assistance of Babalu-Aye or Baron Samedi is unlikely to offer a practical remedy. Instead, how about this ...

1. When the pings fail, *how* do they fail? Not being familiar with the error messages Sun workstations deliver, I can't be more specific than that. But pings on Windows and Linux hosts fail in at least 4 distinct ways, not counting DNS failures, and the differences are diagnostic.

2. Are you always pinging by IP address to a known-good address (in this case, one that a Linux host on your LAN pings successfully)? If you are pinging by FQN, try addresses instead, to be sure you aren't having DNS problems on the SUns.

3. What do the Sun commands equivalent to these Linux commands report:

        netstat -nr
        ip link show (or ifconfig -a)

(and mention if this report is from a DHCP try or a sttic try).

4. Can the Sun hosts ping the *external* IP address of the LEAF router?

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