Hello Ray, 

Am 09:05 2003-06-20 -0700 hat Ray Olszewski geschrieben:
>Hi, Michelle. Nice to hear from you again. Specific comments below.

nice to hear from you...
So I am not alone ;-))

>At 05:00 AM 6/19/2003 +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:

>>First I have a problem, because most of older 486 does not
>>support othe FD formats as 1440 kBytes...
>Is this comment based on very much experience? Personally, I've nver run 
>into a 486 that did not support the 1680 KB format that LEAF uses ... 

As I have written to Jeff bevore, The Computers are much older 
as Win95 ;-)) and the Manufacturer ??? 
Do not ask me !!! I think, they are concurs since 10 years ;-))

>though I have run into particular floppy drives or floppies that could not 
>handle the format. I admit I don't have any recent experience with
486s ... 
>my junk box now holds old, slow Pentium mobo/CPU combinations ... but I 
>think you should give this another look.

Yea, Curently I am looking for around 40-100 486/100 or some K5/75-100
For some month I have send around 40 HP Vectra XA 5/200MMX to Kurdistan ;-))

This HighPerformanc Machines running Debian/WOODY with fvwm2, Mozilla 
and OpenOffice.org... Oh yes, they have 96 MByte of memory...

So I will say, they have no money to spend much more, but they can work...

>>P.S.:   I am hacking on my 2.4.19 Router image...
>>         And running into trouble because ulibc does not support
>>         somthing I need and libc6 is tooooooooooooooooooo big !
>Do you mean uclibc? What is the "something"?

pam for example...
But the pam-libs are the HELL !!!

Full Distros are too big for the old Computers so I am looking for a 
very small solution... 

Running postgresql on a 486/100 and a HD of 210 MB - YES, it Works ;-))

>Coming from LRP, you will probably find Dachstein easiest to adjust to. It 

OK, I will look for it. 
I think, it will use the 2.0.38 Kernel ?

>follows Charles' older versions, derived from Matthew Grant's "mountain" 
>series, pretty closely. It and Bering seem to be the most widely used 
>variants these days, which means, in practical terms, more people on this 
>list able to answer questions about them.

The problem is, that unfortunately I need funktionality of 2.4.19. 

>But for any current variant I can think of, you are going to have to 
>address the 1680 KB problem. Or, I suppose, you could reverty to a
>boot/init process.

Never I have used it... I think, I must try it out. Parallel I will ask a 
distributor of TEAC in Germany to get the FD-235HF in Big-Pack chaper...
If I must use two FD I do not like to spend 14 Euros for each drive. 

>>         My kernel has curently 474 kBytes and I call my distri
>>         'Debian On Floppy v3.0' (but v2.1 and v2.2 exist too)
>If you want to pursue development of this distro as part of LEAF, it might 
>be worth uploading it ... and image and probably a kernel config file ... 
>to the LEAF site (MIke can get you set up to do this, I'm sure), so
some of 
>us can take a look at it and comment.

For this I need an Internet-Connection at home, but this is curenly not 
possibel, because I switch between a Foyer and the Hospital because the 
Kidneyfall (I am waiting of a new Kidney and sitting around and have 
much time to work on LRP/DOF/LEAF) 

>>         Sorry, curently I am very Off-Line and I have no wesite.
>I'm sorry too. I hope we can help with whatever technical advice you need 
>to get back online.

I am thinking abour an 128kBit ADSL at a friend... 
Then I can put my virtual-Web-Server online... 
(or the whole Network powerd by LRP 2.9.4 the same Idiot-Image which 
works since 1999)

My the Source be with you <_
Michelle                    \
(Does anyone know, where I can get the origional TUX-Yedi-Sticker ???)

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