On Thursday 26 June 2003 08:32 am, Ruchira Datta wrote:
> Sorry for the long delay, I was commuting to work and so wasn't in a
> position to fiddle with the VPN clients.
> Thanks very much for your reply.  Below is a sample of the routing table
> when I'm in Windows.

Well, the Windows routing table looks similar to nightmares I've had, but.....

The tables do not reflect a simple reboot between the two systems, but rather
entirely different boxes/ip addresses attempting to do the same thing. You
shouldn't have 2 default gateways and 'lo' shouldn't being routing information
outside of loopback (which is definately isn't doing). Where is the 
"" address coming from? Your device 'nlv0' is binding everywhere
and likely causing problems (the vpn client?). 

I hate to say it, but these routing tables leave me _very_ confused and with
far more questions than answers.
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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