On Saturday 28 June 2003 09:02 pm, PAGE,RAYMOND wrote:
> eth0 is definitely connected to the modem, and ?trying? to talk to
> the modem.  The modem has an IP of  The internal nic,
> eth1, is able to connect to internal boxes.  It's ip is
>  I know it works because I can ssh to that IP from an
> internal machine.  I don't believe that udhcpd(as opposed to the
> standard daemon because it's so much larger in size) is working
> properly for me, however I've statically assigned other boxes
> temporarily so it doesn't have to work right now and that
> shouldn't affect getting this to work.

Ok, your DSL-modem/router is running as a NAT'ing router with 
DNS-cache on it. This is changes your settings considerably,
since this DSL-modem/router is also the machine authenticating
your DSL connection (you had to set it up with username/password,

With these assumptions on my part, you should NOT need a PPPoE client
on the LEAF box and you will need a dhcp client such as pump/dhclient/
udhcpcd/etc to get an ip from your DSL-modem/router. There may be
some application problems due to running NAT twice (once at the 
DSL-modem/router and again at the Bering box), but that depends on
whether you can set the DSL-modem/router to NOT NAT the ip address
assigned to you. DNS-cache can be run on either the DSL-modem/router
or on the Bering box (dnscache package), that is simply preference
left to you.

> I'm attaching the output you requested, along with my
> syslinux.cfg, because I'm not sure if udhcpd should be called
> before or after pump and ppp/pppoe.

udhcpd should be called after pump/pppoe. It is generally one of
the very last pacages loaded.

> Other questions I'm having with my Bering-uClibc firewall disk:
> syslinux.cfg exert:
> "LRP=root,etc,local,modules,iptables,udhcpd,pump,ppp,pppoe,ezipupd,lshd,sho
>rwall,daemontl,ulogd,dnscache,weblet" 1) In syslinux.cfg, should udhcpd come
> after pump and ppp?

The order in syslinux.cfg doesn't matter. The packages actually load per the
RCDLINKS variable in the init script, not based on the order that the packages
come off the disk. LEAF runs in a ramdisk like DOS does.

> 2) Does my setup require pump, and if not, how might I go away
> getting rid of it.  I tried just not loading it, but then my nic's
> didn't get detected properly or something.

Based on the configuration of your DSL-modem/router, it is required
but PPP/PPPoE is NOT required. Eliminate the ppp and pppoe packages
from syslinux.cfg on your disk.

> 3) I have a user account, and when I attempt "su -" I receive a
> "su: no valid shadow password" response.  Is this a problem with
> the root or user password I'm using?  Does anyone have a good idea
> of how to fix that?

Assuming you've created the user by hand in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow,
As root:
passwd <user> 

> I appreciate anybody's comments on my problems.

np. :)
I hope this helps,
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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