On Sunday 29 June 2003 11:05 pm, PAGE,RAYMOND wrote:
> Not all of this may be 100% accurate, but is to the best of my
> current knowledge.


> A bridge is merely a router with one to one connections (as
> opposed to a star).  The modem is able to turn off it's DHCP, DNS,
> and NAT abilities.  Essentially it can plug into a hub or a single
> computer.  The above functionality is uesful if it's plugged into
> a hub.  If it is connected to a single computer, than you are
> quite right, dhcp makes little sense, as the pppoe will make an
> outbound call after assigning a static ip to the ethernet device
> it is calling out on.
> That clarify it, or not?  Perhaps my conceptions are flawed.

A bridge is definately not a router. Bridging is essentially the
function of a switch between similar and/or different media types.
Bridging works on OSI layer 2 and does not use ip address information,
while router is OSI layer 3 and must use some form of ip address 
information to function period. Most DSL/cable-modems are bridges
as opposed to actual modems. This being said, many offerings of 
DSL and cable modems are not only a bridge, but also include a
router on the LAN side of the bridge. I've never seen one that
you could diable the router function if included, but this would
appear to be what you have. You have said that your ip addressing
that is received in the the subnet that is non-routable
and reserved for private networks only (can't be used as a valid internet
address), this would tell me that your modem/router is doing NAT or 
your ISP is not giving you a 'real' ip address. Personally, I would
not run 2 stages of NAT (on your modem/router and on LEAF), so if 
possible I would disable NAT on your modem/router and let the Bering
box handle it. This will make many applications much easier to deal
with that do not work well with NAT. 

Hopefully this clarifies what is likely happening with your 'modem'.

> Thanks for the reply, was able to regain 2% disk space after
> removing pump, which I didn't need as you mentioned :)

Np, I can't see that it would be possible to have both on a WAN 
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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