Robert McRostie wrote:
        I have a problem accessing the weblet page after I have changed
the internal ip numbers to a public address. I am using Bering Stable
1.2 with two interfaces eg ppp0 and eth0. Both are using public ip
numbers. I am not able to access the firewall web page. I doubled
checked all my settings including all the settings in Shorewall.
Everything else works fine. I even built another system as a test. And
still, I am unable to get access to the web page. I then decided to
build another system and use the distro as it comes from the floppy
image. The only changes I made was the external ip number and added a
driver for my network card. I am using eth0 and eth1 and NAT. Eg public
ip on eth0 and private on eth1. All works fine. So the only conclusion
that I can come to is that there is something still referring to the
private address range in the original system. I have had a poke around
and can not find anything that I feel would cause this.

        So what else should I be checking? Any other ideas? Thanks in
advance for any help.

There are at least two things to check: the tcpwrapper configuration files (/etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny), and the sh-httpd configuration file (/etc/sh-httpd.conf). Both of these can prohibit access to weblet based on source IP.

A useful trick for finding these files is to grep for the old IP range in /etc:

grep 192.168.0 /etc/*

Charles Steinkuehler

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