> Funny you should ask.  I have keepalived 1.1.3 built out using the
> libc225 and it seems to be working.  All I did was compile the binary
> and move it into your kpalived.lrp package.  I did compile it 
> with ipvs
> enabled, and am getting ready to get back into testing it.  There was

Sweet!  Load-balancing & VRRP on CF-IDE disks, remote logging through
syslogd.  8-D. 

> I was not able to get it to compile against uclibc due to my lack of
> technical knowledge, but the only reason to do so would be to remove a
> couple lrps from boot, however using a 32mb CF disk made that a moot
> point.

Yes, I ran into the same problem.  The Keepalived developer, Alexandre, told
me this around the end of January:

"The problem is the OpenSSL, libpopt, that use dynamic libs... We 
must find a way to compile statically OpenSSL libssl & libmd5 into 
Keepalived binary."

So -- Keepalived uses libbsl, libmd5, and libpopt.  Any uClibc guys want to
have some fun?

> There are a couple other things I have done with keepalived.  One of
> them was go in and change the /etc/init.d/keepalived script to look at

If I remember correctly there is another bug with the init script that
doesn't allow a restart to work properly.  Unfortunately it's been too long
since I've had to actually do any maintenance, so I can't say for sure if
this is still the case.  Does /etc/init.d/keepalived work ok for you?

> I am working on a doc on my personal time from notes to help out in
> actually compiling the kernel with to enable ipvs.  It is yet another
> project on my plate a little lower than some other things.

Ah, doh.  Well I'd be interested in helping out, if you're still looking for
help,  (If you can pry me away from my latest game craze Diablo II ;-).
People have made comments about LVS in a LEAF system, so there is definite

BTW does anyone know of a daemontools-like package for LEAF?



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