I have been asked to monitor the amount of time spent on the internet per IP address. I was thinking that the LRP would be the most logical way of monitoring such activity, as I already have one setup. I have looked at MTRG, iptraf, ntop, etc, but all of these fall short in one regard: I need total time for some interval, say a 12hr day, per IP address, rather than the instantaneous bandwidth consuption. Is there any utility out there that will successfully accomplish this?
What does "total time" mean in this context? That is, what *exactly* do you want to measure for these 12-hour intervals?
Tools like the ones you describe can measure things like bandwidth use, or numbers of packets, or numbers of Kb, to and from specific IP addresses. But "time" is ill defined, even conceptually, with respect to packet-based connections (unless you are monitoring use of dial-up lines, in which case it could correspond to connect time). So more information really is needed about your requirements.
You also imply (by your choice of Subject:) that "IP address" corresponds to "user". In your context it might, though in genreal you can't count on it doing so. So you might want to offer a bit more detail on that part.
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